Interview with FABRIZIO MANACHINI, choreographer and theater director.
Rebirth it means for me… Learn something new when you are no more learning from what you are doing. Sometimes it is just a book or a movie or some music that you discover! All this generates new inputs that lead to the creation of new projects, and achieving them it gives us a rebirth every time! And if you do not reach your goals you still learn from your mistakes and try again. When you believe in what you do results and satisfaction always come!
What makes me happy… Many things make me happy: to see the people I love, overcome a challenge, but also simply an evening with dear friends or a sunny day! Never underestimate the simple things, often are the most elegant ones!
My wellness or beauty practice that makes me feel well… With no doubt: the dance. It is good for body and soul: it is culture, elegance and discipline. These three things are never as valuable today as they are increasingly rare.
Change is… Change stands for growth, and renewal always starts from our past. If you have made mistakes, and it always happens, the important thing is not to redo exactly the same! We will do other mistakes then, and we will learn from them as well!
Where I find energy and positivity… Surely at the sea, on the rocks. Listening to music, sometimes classical, sometimes very pop. This way you can choose the most appropriate soundtrack according to the dynamics and the colors of the sea. You can travel with the imagination, without moving a centimeter: very convenient and no expensive at all!
Where my rebirth happens… Still without a doubt: the sea! Again: the simplicity of the water is elegant and regenerating