February, the month of love! Give yourself a special moment, let yourself be carried away ny the absolute love as in great masters' thoughts.
Absolute love and madness, a daring and shocking transfiguration of the Genesis and of the divine word.
"…And in the evening they metagain, while the notary was cradling the digestive hours, as he used to do inhis secluded study until dawn, equipped with a flask of blond alcohol, thewarble of the saw between the mahogany wood arabesques that he kills andreanimates, Emmanuel and Varia, without a word of explanation or transition. If their mouths clung, like a bug to his fellow on the other side of a mirror, itwas to hold - to anywhere else - the fall of the bodies into a swoon. And iftheir arms encircled the circumnavigation of their caresses, it was to tightenthe improbability of their presences gathered up until the condensation of thereal, which does not escape. They followed the complicit whim of the Bird’scoil, with a beak full of needles, of the notary, to what they had not dared,suggested by the sound of the sea between the two halves of their limestone bed."
Alfred Jarry,L’amour absolu (Absolute love)
Ed. Adelphi (Italian edition)